🔥Country of Origin!🔥
Clubmates swap local allegiances for national colours at this tournament.
Which country will be victorious and get the title?
Get together a team of three and represent your country of origin where either you, your parent, grandparent or great-grandparent were born.
This tournament will be a double life event played under the VNEA 8 Ball rules in teams of 3.
Entry fee ($80 per person) will include a national team shirt for each team member! We also have a reduced entry option ($20 per person) if you have your Country of Origin shirt from the last series.
There are no restrictions on the number of teams that may represent a single country. Continental teams are allowed if all members originate from that continent and cannot be placed in a country team (e.g. Europe, Americas, Africa, etc.). Allowances may also be made, at the tournament directors discretion for a substitute if only two members can be found that originate from a country.
Registration closes on September 31st to allow team uniforms to be manufactured.
Preregister with Michael (027 5300 516) or message us via Facebook!
2021 Country of Origin